Monday, June 2, 2014

The Internet Before and After

The Internet Before and After

The internet born in 1969 same year when man step on the moon ,Four (4) american universities collaborated on a project called the Advanced Projects Agency Network (ARPANET).
(University of California Los Angeles, Stanford Research Institute, University of California Santa Barbara, and University of Utah) Since the released of ARPANET , military control this in 1984.

 In Every year past, he Internet has increased its power from trafficking information at 56 kilobytes per second to 7.6 megabytes per second. but today user can upload more Bytes of Files, Videos, Music and other documents Via social media sites or emails inbox and storage online.aside from user demands more and more businessman at companies put them ship over the line to compete they sales and marketing.

Internet History Timeline:

Early research and development:
Merging the networks and creating the Internet:
Commercialization, privatization, broader access leads to the modern Internet:
Examples of popular Internet services:

In These years Top 25  People change the world of Internet Now and Then 

1• Sir Tim Berners Lee – World Wide Web

2• Vint Cerf And Bob Kahn –TCP/IP

3• Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Google Inc.

4• David Filo and Jerry Yang – Yahoo! Inc.

5• Bill Gates – Microsoft

6• Steven Paul Jobs – Apple Inc.

7• Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook

8• Chad Hurley and Steve Chen – YouTube

9• Linus Torvalds – Linux

10• Jack Dorsey – Twitter

11• Kevin Rose – Digg

12• Bram Cohen – Bit Torrent

13• Mike Morhaime – Blizzard Entertainment

14• Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia

15• Jeff Preston Bezos – Amazon

16• Shawn Fanning – Napster, Rupture

17• Pierre Omidyar – eBay
18• Jack Ma – Alibaba

19• Craig Newmark – Craigslist

20• Matt Mullenweg – WordPress

21• Thomas Anderson – MySpace

22• Garrett Camp – Stumble Upon

23• Jon Postel – Internet Pioneer

24• Caterina Fake – Flickr

25• Marc Andreessen – Netscape

Thanks For Visiting 

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